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These quality tools are made by Ashley Iles here in the UK, using 01 carbon steel, this is a very high quality carbon tool steel.These tools are intented to be used on boxes or small bowls, they are used in a very light fashion to remove any tools marks, create an exquisite & flowing curve. These tools are a just over a 1/4 in/7mm thick & 61/2 in /165mm long, So very well suited to the job in hand. These tools are very user friendly & a 1 1/2" version is available for larger pieces.

NB" tools sold blade only


Why not treat yourself to a Bespoke handle available, either in natural wood, special paint job or stain job

Tools cp 2, 13mm FHS. follow the link below for FHS

reduction.Ferruled handle system 13mm | Chris Parker R.P.T. (

CP2C nr 1"x 1/4

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